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Jun 08 2020

Five Easy ways to Protect your Car from the Sun


The summer is probably the hardest time of year for vehicles at the least here in Spain where winter is not so pronounced. That is why we have spoken on more than one occasion about the most important care for this station or the most common breakdowns that should be avoided. Now we are also going to give some keys to protect the car from the sun because it is precisely in summer when it has the most repercussions and when it can cause the most damage.

1- Outdoor Protection:

It is probably too obvious, but it is worth remembering. The best way to avoid the sun is to directly hide from it. Whenever possible it is advisable to park in the shade, especially if the car is going to be parked for a long time and during the central hours of the day. It is important to calculate the movement of the sun, as the car may be sheltered at the time of parking, but with the hours exposed.

When it is not possible to park in the shade or in covered parking there are other possibilities. In the event that the car is going to be idle for several days and we are very concerned about maintaining its external state, you can choose a car cover . There are some generic ones that adapt quite well and are not very expensive. In this sense, you can also choose to vinyl the body (there are transparent sheets that only protect without changing the original color), which will be more effective but also more expensive.

2- Protection for the Interior:

If the car has been parked in the sun we can be sure that the interior temperature will be very high on our return. The vehicle acts like an oven and does not let heat escape, so it is best to try to get it indirectly. Although it may not seem like it, the function of the sun visor is key, since most of the sun's rays come through the windshield, which is the largest moon and is also slightly tilted.

It has been shown that with the sun visor on it is possible to reduce the temperature by quite a few degrees compared to a car that does not have one. It is impossible to completely avoid the heat in the cabin, but there are also some tricks to reduce it quickly. On the other hand, we must bear in mind that our body will be in contact with some surfaces that will be very hot and we may suffer burns. It is advisable to use a steering wheel protector and be careful with the metallic hooks of the belts.

3- Cleaning:

Washing the car regularly in the summer also helps a lot. Although it seems silly, in this way it is possible to "refresh" the vehicle body and the high temperatures will affect to a lesser extent. It is advisable to avoid the central hours of the day for washing, because with sun exposure and a lot of heat the water will evaporate faster and could even be counterproductive.

We have already given the keys to take care of the car paint in summer and the precaution that must be taken with some aspects. If you are going to make a long trip you will have to remove all the mosquitoes that remain afterward and if you are going to be in coastal areas you have to be alert to saltpeter and sand. It is also recommended to use protective wax against ultraviolet rays in the first washings of the summer.

4- Protection for Mechanics:

Although the heat is unbearable when we ride in the car, we must avoid the temptation of turning the air conditioning on full blast at the moment of starting. At first, it is better to roll down the windows and let the car warm up, then turn on the air and cool properly. The cooling system is also vitally important at this time, so you have to check it and check that it has antifreeze fluid.

During the first kilometers of driving it is also important not to force the mechanics, so as not to overload that refrigeration system that begins to work. On the other hand, there are sensitive elements such as the EGR valve that also suffers more in summer due to the concentration of particles suspended in the air.

5- Tires and Brakes:

Both the tires and the brakes are vital elements and must be in perfect condition throughout the year. But it goes without saying that during the summer their wear is greater due to the high temperatures and that they should be checked before the long trips so characteristic of this season. Of the rubbers, it must be seen that they are not worn and that their pressure is correct. At low pressure, the tread will get even hotter and we could suffer a puncture.

The operation of the brakes consists of those pads that rub against the disc to stop the vehicle. If that action already generates a lot of heat in itself, it will be much higher in summer. Therefore, overheating can occur in the brakes, reaching extremes such as deformation of the discs or problems with the brake fluid. To avoid it better, make a smooth ride, and anticipate braking.

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