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Dec 08 2020

Easy Solutions For Car Engine Problems


A lot of people will ignore the little problems with a well-running auto until they become big. Avoid engine problems by maintaining your engine with the following tips and tricks.

There is a Snap Coming from the Motor

Check Your Oil and Fuel:

If your engine is making popping or clicking noises, you should check your fuel choice.

  • Try a higher octane fuel - these are often sold as “Premium” or “Super” and cost a bit more than base fuel.
  • A low oil level can also cause noise in the engine - check the level and top up if necessary.

Increase Durability

Recharge your fluids:

The most important thing to make your car last longer and to avoid having too many repairs is to keep all the fluids under the hood at the correct levels.

  • It is recommended to check their levels once a month.

Check Your Oil:

  • Park your car on a level surface. Turn off the engine and wait at least 15 minutes. Pull out the dipstick (which usually has an orange or yellow circled handle), wipe it down with a clean cloth, and reinsert it fully.
  • Wait five seconds, then remove it again. Check the level against the MIN and MAX marks engraved on the dipstick.
  • If the level is below MIN, find and unscrew the oil plug. Pour in the right oil, little by little.
  • Wait 30 seconds before checking your dipstick level again, as above.
  • Stop before reaching the MAX mark - oil spillage could damage the engine.

Check Your Other Fluids:

  • Coolant, brake fluid, windshield washer fluid, and other fluids under the hood are contained in translucent reservoirs, marked with the correct fill levels, so you can easily see if they need to be topped up again.
  • Follow the manufacturer's directions when using these fluids.
  • The motor oil used in most modern cars is classified as "multigrade". This type of oil is finer in cold temperatures than when the engine is warming up, helping the oil to circulate to protect the engine when you start cold.
  • Multigrade oils are described by two numbers, such as 10W-30; these numbers indicate the viscosity of cold and hot oil. When adding oil, you should use the oil specified for the make and model of your vehicle.

My Engine Squeals

Use Soap on the Belt for a Quieter Ride:

Car engines use rubber belts - or more generally, a single wide belt known as a serpentine or poly V belt - to power systems such as the water pump and air conditioning. If this belt slips on its pulleys, it will cause a high-pitched noise.

  • Turn off your engine and let it cool. Press down on the top of the strap. If your vehicle's engine is making more noise than usual, you should have it checked by a qualified mechanic.

However, you can temporarily make your vehicle quieter.

  • Use a knife to cut a thin slice of soap. Rub the soap on the inside surface of the strap as long as you can reach (having a thin slice of soap helps you go deeper).
  • Start the engine and check the noise. Repeat the process if necessary.

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