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May 23 2021

How to Save on Auto Repairs


Nothing to do. Spending the money to have the car repaired is no exception. The bill is always steep, the time is never right, and your car breaks down just when you are happy you saved a few dollars to finally spoil yourself.

Here are some simple tips to save money on auto repairs.

1. Your Mechanic is Your Friend:

It can be difficult to find a good mechanic. As soon as you find the rare pearl, treat it like a king. Send him your friends. Thus, his workshop will remain open for your last minute repairs.

But how to UNDELINE this mythical mechanic?

  • To get started, ask your friends to recommend theirs to you.
  • See online reviews as well as reviews on automotive forum websites.
  • Open your eyes to find the four or five star mechanics, but take the bad individual reviews with a grain of salt.

A good relationship with your mechanic indicates that you trust them not to sell you unnecessary parts and services. Such a mechanic can be found either by chance or at your brand's dealership.

2. Read the Owner's Guide:

Then, follow the recommendations given: oil change at regular intervals, tire rotation as suggested, topping up fluids, brakes in good condition, belts checked.

  • Take the time and spend the money to perform these regular maintenance auto repairs. Over time, you will see your overhead go down.

It is not that difficult to do some small repairs yourself.

  • An oil change, a change of the air filter, the fuel filter, the wiper blades, a check of the spark plugs: so many examples of easy repairs, to be carried out yourself.
  • The vast majority of the information should be in the user's guide. Try to do an internet search.

3. Comparative Shopping:

Do not hesitate to ask for a second opinion if your car requires a more important repair.

  • Make sure you have a written estimate, which you will not show to other garages.
  • Have a second mechanic diagnose the problem and give you a quote for the repairs.
  • Armed with the first quote, you can now ask questions about labor pricing, additional parts pricing, or exceptional charges.

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