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Jul 21 2017

How to Import Japanese Used Cars to Bolivia

Japanese used cars are famous all over the world. It is mostly due to durability of these cars. These cars are exported in many countries of the world. Almost all the countries of the world import Japanese cars. Popularity of these cars can be seen on the roads of many countries.

Like many other countries Bolivia also imports Japanese used cars. Many people in Bolivia want to buy Japanese used cars.  It is easier to import these cars to Bolivia. Here is how you can import:

  • Find a Supplier

You need to find Japanese used cars supplier if you want to import used cars from japan. There are many used cars exporters in japan who supply these cars all over the world. You can contact with them online. Many of them have online portals and websites for the facilitation of their customers. By using these online tools you can get information about the exporters and services they provide.

You need to make it sure that your chosen exporter is reliable. It is necessary because you need to get what you pay for. Ask in user forums and communities. It is better to call them and discuss in details. Best way is to get in touch with their past customers and ask their opinions about exporter.

  • Choose the Car

You are exporting a car from japan to Bolivia. It is possible that you have already made your choice. You may have chosen your car by considering your used needs and budget. However, if you have not made a decision yet, you can take a look at the stock of supplier. You can access wide variety of stock with different models with their specifications. You can compare different car models and make a good decision.  

  • Order and Payment

If you have chosen your car, it is time to order it. Order the car on supplier’s website and you will receive an invoice. Pay the amount in your local bank account so it is transferred to their bank account in Japan. Send the receipt of payment to your supplier.

  • Shipping

Shipment can be stared after your supplier receives the payment. However, it depends on the terms and conditions agreed between you and your supplier.  

  • Port Clearance

A used car needs ports clearance after it arrives on port. You need to find a clearing agent if you want to receive your car. Provide all the documents and fees to your clearing agent so your car is cleared.  

Import Rules and Regulations

Here are some rules and regulations that you need to follow when importing Japanese used cars to Bolivia.

Shipping Ports

Bolivia is a landlocked country. It used Chile’s port of Africa and Iquique.

Age Restriction

Vehicles older than 5 years are prohibited in Bolivia. Restrictions on vehicles are based on their size and engine capacity.


Import must obtain valued inspector at origin by a Bolivian contractor.

Left Hand Drive Vehicles

Import of only left hand drive vehicles is allowed in Bolivia.

Documents Required

Here are some documents required when importing Japanese used cars.

  • Original Commercial/ Purchase Invoice
  • Original certificate of Title and Registration
  • Insurance Policy - Original and two copies
  • License from Transport Control Department
  • Verification certificate (for non-diplomats)
  • Certificate of Condition - Attesting vehicle is in good condition
  • Description of Automobile Including the make, model, year, etc.
  • Import Permit- from the Ministry of External Affairs, must be approved before importation

Import of Japanese used cars to Bolivia is easier. Find a reliable supplier, Order, pay the fees and your car will be delivered to you. 

Important Links:

Japanese Used Cars Auction


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