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Jun 24 2021

Repair Your Windshield: Chips and Cracks


It is always a good idea to repair damage to your windshield. Indeed, they could worsen and result in a complete replacement. Anatomy of a repair. You drive quietly on the highway. A rock suddenly cracks your windshield. it took away a shard of glass the size of a pea. This incident is annoying, but your visibility is not compromised. So you let it go, you'll see that later ... if you do nothing, this little shard can become big! A trivial repair under $ 100 can turn into major damage, requiring windshield replacement and costing you hundreds of dollars. Here are few recommendations to repair chips and cracks

The Size of the Impact:

The line between repairing the windshield and replacing it is blurred. For some auto glass professionals, if a $ 5 bill is enough to cover a breakage and a credit card covers a chip, repair is feasible. For others, a shard should be no more than a 25-cent coin. A break in length often requires the replacement of the windshield. But some shops specialize in repairing more extensive damage. Go to a workshop or garage to get several opinions.

What will the Technician Do?

After cleaning the area surrounding the breakage and removing the glass shards, the auto glass technician drills a hole in the glass to facilitate the flow of resin between the two sheets of glass that make up the windshield. He attaches an injection tool directly to the glass. The resin will seal the breakage or shard, to prevent water and other debris from seeping between the sheets of glass and attacking its qualities. After the injection, the technician allows the resin to dry thoroughly. He polishes it to make the glass transparent and solid.

How Long Does It Take?

As long as the repair shop has a place for your car, you should be done after an hour, sometimes even 30 minutes.

what are the Results?

The repair will erase the breakage or the chip, but we will still see a defect. In the majority of cases, this is of no consequence. But if the defect is right in your line of sight, it may disturb you enough to cause you to have the entire windshield replaced.

Can I Do It Myself?

Yes. There are a variety of windshield repair kits available at auto hardware and supply stores. These kits contain everything you need to repair minor damage, including resin and injector.

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