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Dec 04 2017

How to Import Japanese Used Cars to Australia

Japanese used cars are famous all over the world. Many countries import these cars. It is the popularly of these cars that can be seen on the roads of many countries. Reliability and durability of these cars is mainly the reason for the likeness of these cars. Not only reliable these cars also come with the low price and high quality.

Like many other countries, Australia also imports second-hand Japanese cars. Many people in Australia like these cars. It is easier to import cars in Australia. Here is how you can import these cars in a step by step process:

Find a Supplier

You need to find a supplier if you want to import Japanese used car in Australia. You do not need to worry as there is too many used cars supplier in Japan who export these cars all over the world. These exporters supply Japanese used cars in many parts of the world.  You can find their online portals to find information about them. You can find information about their services.

Make it sure that supplier you choose is reliable. It is important because you are spending money on a car and you need to receive what you are paying for. Do your homework and research online. Ask in user forums and communities. Call the supplier and ask for more information. The best way is to get in touch with their past customers and ask them about their experience.

Choose the Car

It is possible that you have already made a car choice. You may have taken this decision considering your needs and requirements and budget. However, you can choose a car now if you have not already.  Take a look at the exporter’s stock and choose the car that you like. Compare car models with each other to choose the one that fits your needs.

Order and Payment

If you have chosen a car it is time to order it. Order the car online and you will receive an invoice. Pay the amount in your local bank account so it is transferred to their account in Japan. Send the receipt of payment to your supplier.


Shipping of your vehicle can be started after you your supplier receives the payment. However, it depends on the terms and conditions between you and your supplier.

Port Clearance

Your vehicle will need port clearance after it arrives on the port. Contact with a port clearance agent for its clearance. Provide your agent all the relevant documents and fees.


Import Rules and Regulations

Australia is a country and content surrounded by Indian and Pacific Ocean. It imports Japanese used cars. But, here are some rules and regulations that you need to consider when importing second-hand Japanese cars in Australia.

Age Restriction

Age of vehicle does not matter when importing in Australia.

Shipping Ports

Australia is not a landlocked country and there are many ports where used cars can be imported. Adelaide, Brisbane, Darwin, Fremantle, Melbourne, Sydney are major parts of Australia.

Right Hand Drive or Left Hand Drive

Australia allows the import of only right-hand drive vehicles.

Who Can Import?

  • The importer should be of driving age.
  • The importer must be an Australian citizen.
  • A migrant holding permanent residency in Australia can import vehicles.
  • The importer is allowed to import any vehicle which is 15 or more years old on the date it lands in Australia.
  • The importer should have owned and used the vehicle overseas for a period of not less than twelve continuous calendar months.


  • You need to pay customs duty, GST and luxury car tax where applicable and obtain customs clearance.
  • You must hold a valid VIA for the vehicle that you want to import
  • Make it sure that you have provided all the documents to the broker.
  • High Price vehicle may attract luxury car tax

Japanese Used cars are reliable and high quality. Many countries of the world import these cars including Australia. Find a supplier, pay the amount and your car will be delivered to you. 

Important Links:

Japanese Used Cars Auction



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